Well, a few months ago I laughed very much when I found that in the world exists people who still believe the earth is flat. I tried a few searches on Google just to see what kind of people have that archaic believes and a big surprise met me: there are millions. More over, among them are many scientists...
And so, two big question signs had appeared for me:
- why so many scientists people?
- however, what are their "flat earth" arguments?
So, I started to search their arguments, and I was surprised by almost each of them. Many arguments are very solid argumented, the same way as the most popular physics theories are known in schools.
Waw, WTF are these?... I said for several times. It can't be true!
More over, if you search on the internet solid argumented informations about the flat earth theory, you will find that you can find so many informations that any idiot can understand that he have to investigate by himself, from his own point of view, the (i)reality of this theory.
The final answer for question: does the flat earth exists?
I learned politics in college, and I liked very much that each political doctrine has a very well argumented philosophy, so well organised and persuasive, that you'll agree and believe each doctrine is the best until you start to read a new one. And so on: when you finish to read the capitalism doctrine, you'll be convinced it's the best political doctrine. So will happen with the liberalism, radicalism, democracy, and even with the communism doctrine.
The reality is that each political doctrine is a collection of similar points of view, and all arguments are concentrated around the main ideas promoted by each political dogma. They promote and manipulates the facts to sustain a limited "reality/truth". No political doctrine can represent all reality/"truth": just parts of it.
So, related to the answer about flat earth theory: do you consider it would be fair from my side, to try to convince you that the earth is flat or round? I learned and considered as absolute truth many things in my life, then late I realised that I lost a lot for not questioning a little each truth I learned.
My answer about flat earth theory:
You never know what is the absolute truth, what is 100% real about any event or fact. A little bit of information can totally change your thoughts about the truth...
So, I found informations:
- that in the past some human societies considered that the earth has a square shape... Later other societies considered the earth is flat. And a few centuries ago that the earth has a round shape. Who knows what other truths will come after tens of years or centuries...
- that you find more very well argumented informations about the existence of flat earth than round earth;
- that both theories (about global earth and flat earth) are sustained by some arguments that can't be scientifically infirmed, and by some arguments that are nullifying each other;
- that both (flat and global earth) maps were successfully used in scientific and military expeditions (including WW2);
- that the United Nations logo is a flat earth (and a lot of many other mind blowing facts)...
The DIY answer about flat earth:
Just start searching, reading and questioning the info you'll find! Don't be a lazy sheep!...
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